Author, family, Mental Wellbeing

June 17th 2024

My grandparents are married 71 years this year.

My cousin who’s wifes birthday was on the 15th while its their sisters birthday today.

Its my cousin anniversary one on my dads side as well.

A friend from my parents church I guess its a good day to have gotten married as all are all married about 18-71 years (combined).

I sit on Sunday the 16th at my grandparents cottage with family to write this.

I am trying to decide what to say other then talk about my family because I can not write this tomorrow because I have a new allergist appointment in the morning and then physical therapy.

I know I have a list of things however it isn’t with me. So I will stop babbling.

Author, What's Up?

June 14th

Happy Flag Day also Wednesday was the anniversary of Precious not waking up when I got her spayed.

Next week the old folks well be in Iowa and it’ll be my birthday. June 19th

This weekend its Father’s Day on Sunday. June 16th is also my John Deere loving cousins birthday.

Monday my grandparents well be married 71 years June 17th. This date is the marriage anniversary of at least 3 other friends and family members.

My cousins one of them there birthday is the 15th and the other his wife is the 17th

We have a birthday in the family on the 20th and 21st.

One of my older cousins anniversary is the day before.

Author, Wellbeing, What's Up?

June 7th

Kinsey also picked May 15th What was so special about it? Let me inform you…

Side note I have a few things to mention about the last 7 days as well today so please bear with me and I will make my point I promise.

May 15th Buddha Day

May 15th Internarional Vascular birthmarks Awareness day… Do you have an interesting / storytelling worth of a birthmark?

May 15th is also a day of Peace Officers Memorial Day. And Internatiomal Customer Support Day.

May 15th Chocolate Chip Day…. Mmmmm

May 13th to the 19th was Bike to Work week. The 12th of May until the 18th was National Women’s Health Week also it was Dementia Awarenesss Week… Does Dementia touch your family? In this period until then 17th Water Saving Week. National Salvation Army Week y’all. National Stationary Week.

May 13th until June 13th is National Smile Month.

“ A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Proverbs 17:22 shared by Joni and Friends on X

Now for some mentionables for June 1st through the 7th.

June 1st Dinosaur Day, National Olive Day, National Prairie Day, Oscar the Grouch Day, Say something Nice Day. Butterfly Education and Awareness Day (I love butterflies!) World Reef Awareness Day, National Wear a Dress Day (and I did).

Honorable mentions of birthdays today Marilyn Monroe and Morgan Freedom and it would also have been Andy Griffins birthday.

June Awarenesses Vision Research, Oral Health and National Rose Month to mention a few.

I believe it was narcissistic awareness that day as well.

June 2nd National I Love My Dentist Day ( ya right), National Cancer Survivors Day, Happy Birthday Matty

Rebuild your life month, national fresh fruits and vegetables month, national lemons month, effective communications month.

June 3rd World Bicycle Day, National Crime Prevention Day, LOVE conquers all day, and National Egg Day.

national rivers month and Anderson Cooper birthday.

June 4th International Corgi Day, Invisible Day, and Christian T-shirt Day.

Happy birthday Angelina Jolie!

June 5th National Moonshine Day, National Trailor Day, Hot Air Ballon Day, and National Barbque Week til the 9th to mention a few things.

Happy birthday Mark Wahlberg! This week is also Headache Awareness til the 8th I believe.

June 6th National Fish and Chips Day. And National Yo-yo Day. Mango Month, Potty Training Awareness don’t forget Dairy Month Wisconsinites! Alzheimers Awaress y’all.

No birthdays that I found.

June 7th it is the end of Stepparents Week. Its also the end of CPR and AED Awareness Week.

So much going on just about everyday however I have only been mentioning ones that sound cool to me. Such as World Food Safety Day (important to know), World Caring Day, National Donut Day, to name a few.

Happy birthday Bill Hader!


June 1st

Last month was about Mental Health this months Facebook and Instagram well still be Mental Health Awareness as I have lots of info to share. I have a few things I have been meaning to give you as my audience and have not gotten to in the month I intend too.

Such as information on Arborist Day, Stroke information from last month. Kinsey and Isa had asked me to share a few things I didn’t get to in May. I’ll be looking for information to share on Migraines and Headaches for this months awareness.

I’ll be sharing about my summer as it comes forward. I plan to share about my May so people can see my May Self Care.

This month I’ll break my one rule I hate breaking most about being about myself. I don’t like be about me or have a “my” mindset and I do not liked to be “I” I struggle with this so much I suck at using “I” statements.

Author, The best friend, Wellbeing, What's Up?

What quality do you value most in a friend?

Quite a few or you’re not really a friend:

  • Kind
  • Caring
  • Loyal
  • Supportive
  • Protective
  • Loving
  • Sweet
  • Sweet and sassy but realize when they cross a line.
  • Be a helping hand when your done
  • Worry and encourage you when your down to never let your light out.
  • Help when you ask for it, otherwise why should you drop your own schedule for them.
  • Be fun to be around and hangout with.
Author, What's Up?

What jobs have you had?

Daycare worker

Kitchen hand

Dish washer

Trash/ recycling collector (school for ILS)


Bathroom cleaner (guys are freaking pigs)

Table washer


  • Advertising
  • Spokesperson
  • Trash collector
  • Sales person of food and drinks
  • Gopher
  • Handicapped driver
  • Cooler filler
  • Cooler runner
  • Sign up parade primary
  • Clean and set up crew
  • Auctions (live and silent)
Author, Mental Wellbeing, Wellbeing

May 27th 2024 TW (trigger warning)

content talks about sex abuse, drug and alcohol abuse as well.

Happy Memorial Day y’all!

Today’s person is not only a Mental Health person of interest but a person with many hats in the realm of advocacy. I well be explaining their unique experiences and role in the Mental Health perspective.

The person I have chosen today or rather Isa chose today was Demi Lovato. Demi is in her 30s and she is from New Mexico (well born there). Demi has had a big role in the lives of the early 2000s teens and young adults’ lives into today. She is known for being a Disney actress and a singer. She is known for dating people like Joe Jonas (2010) and Wilmer Valderrama (Aug 2010- 2016). She also dated for a while Miley Cyrus’ brother Trace Cyrus back in 2009. She is described herself as “fluid” in the past and is open to finding love wherever she finds it male or female. She has been quoted calling herself (just too queer 2020) In 2021 she came out as pansexual and sexually fluid.

Come of her best songs in my personal opinion are but not limited to: “Confident”, “Heart Attack” “Cool for the Summer”, and my personal replay “Sorry not Sorry”.

She is known for having the hobby of jiu-jitsu in 2016 she started training and she is as of February 3, 2023, the purple belt in the sport.

She has had her share of substance abuse; Lovato actually refers to the self as they/them. Lovato suffered from bulimia nervosa. (This has come up before in this month’s series refer back to, I believe.)

Lovato left tour with the Jonas brothers back in 2010 to enter a treatment facility for “physical and emotional issues” it is reported she entered the program after punching a backup dancer at the time. Her management and family convinced her that she needed help. Lovato took full responsibility for the incident on January 28, 2011, she completed in patient treatment. Lovato admitted she had bulimia, cut herself and “self-medicating” with drugs and alcohol “like a lot of teens do to numb their pain.”

(Personally did not start using the alcohol to chill and be numb til I was legal drinking age however I did not get rowdy or wasted. I still was aware of my surroundings and my thoughts and my feelings.)

Lovato added that “basically had a nervous breakdown” and had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder during her treatment. Lovato added that there was use of cocaine several times a day and smuggled it onto airplanes.

Lovato added that after a car accident there was use of opiates at the age of 13 years of age and already been drinking by this time and added that this was the event that led to the use of cocaine at the age of 17.

(I would like to insert that this is not an okay method of handling the overwhelming scensation of feelings, events or thoughts. Please seek out a therapist, talk to your doctors, reach out to a trusted loved one. Seek help from these numbers 988 and 741-741 you can txt or call both of these numbers for help by saying the type of help needed in txt or by being general. You never have to mention your real name that I know of in my experience of using these methods in between seeing my therapist. You well find that you well have someone listening and someone to talk you through your crisis and hopefully you feel at the end like I have the person that knows they can conquer life’s challenges.)

(I would like to add that Protocall with every situation is different and the ways for professionals and volunteers to react or respond is different by states individual laws and federal laws. Do not get discouraged or mad about the types of help you receive based on your reaction and emotions.)

Lovato has a contributing editor for Seventeen magazine, also has had own documentary about rehab and recovery. In 2017 celebrating 5th anniversary of sobriety also having a YouTube doc on Simply Complicated. In 2013 reported to have lived in a sober living facility because of feeling that was the best place to address the addiction and eating disorder. Having the addiction nearly cause Lovato their life and career. 2018 released “Sober” and reveal having had a relapse in the recovery process. Stemming from the drug and alcohol abuse Lavato has had multiple strokes, a heart attack, and brain damage latter of which caused lasting vision problems. Hospitalized first and then she was put into rehab. Around this time this lead her to be a top google search and 29th biggest story of 2018. And using Twitter (now X to discredit the overdose) (abuse of substances is no joke people). Management at this point had over managed her and she told Ellen D. that despite asking for help it only came in the form of watching what she was purchasing according to her bank statements specifically toward Starbuck. Her management only looked at it from the aspect of what would also happen to them not just Lavato in the situation, this brought forth her abandonment issues triggering her father “birth” leaving and drank that night. She has had trauma with Rape. This was during her time of abusing substance and she was not in the right mind consent to what was happening to her.

After the bipolar diagnosis Lovato had stated that as an 18-year-old they were acting the way they had out of a multitude of reasons. It was not from talking to doctors the bipolar however that Lovato simply had grown up. At this time of their life the diagnosis was changed from bipolar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Author, What's Up?

March upholds many things for us to learn

I well be finding information for Disabled Women from History that matter and stand out “at least to me”. I will be sharing this information with you as March proceeds.

I well be sharing my views on things like Easter as it’s March 31st this year.

I well be sharing at least the week of the 17th all I can about St. Patty’s Day myths and all.

So I hope you enjoy all that’s in stored for you in the month of March. Please let me know what you think of my social media and Blog along with my Podcast. I’ll be working hard to improve my podcast over the next several weeks and make them into a transcript for HOH – and Deaf communities. So I hope to gain some positive feedback and followers that way in the coming months.

Questions or ideas or concerns email me at thank you, Marie!!

Author, What's Up?, Women of History Disabled edition

Women’s History Month

“Hello all, welcome. My name is Marie, and you are listening to Hurricane in my life. Hurricane in my life is a podcast where I share my stories, life experiences that are ups and downs.
I also occasionally, as you know, if you’ve been listening for a while, use my podcast as a way to vent and share more than ups. Usually a lot of downs. However, today will maybe be a surprise.
Each episode is different and unique. So please, sit back, relax, grab some water, as it’s best for you, and best to get at least 64 ounces in a day.
I want to pause for just a second.
Please don’t forget that sometimes trigger warnings are needed, they’re necessary, they are. So if you feel the topic of today’s show is too much for you, or makes you kind of have like that not right feeling, make sure that you do the right thing for you, and maybe that means don’t listen. Go ahead, skip, that won’t hurt my feelings, or maybe save it for a time where you would be okay to listen.
That’s okay too. Please take the necessary steps you need to take to

“take care of you, as that’s number one. Reach out to your safe person or people to recover.
And remember, I am not a professional. I am just a start-up person trying to educate others about my heartaches and life tragedies. With all that being said, let’s get started, shall we?
Hello friends, today I’m gonna do something a little bit different. You’re gonna get two podcasts in a two day period. So you will get one today, and you’ll get one tomorrow, like normal, your normal Saturday, weekly podcast.
Tomorrow’s podcast will follow the criteria of what the last couple weeks have been. I will share the number of weeks we are on for that series. Remember that series will be going on for probably at least another four weeks.
So in total, it’s probably gonna be like seven, eight weeks total. But again, I will have those numbers for you in tomorrow’s episode. So if you’ve been listening, you will know tomorrow what week we are on.
And if you’re new and you haven’t been following, that will give you an idea when you listen how many episodes to go back and be able to follow along

“in the series. So what is different about today’s episode? Today’s episode, for one, is on the first of March.
What does that mean? If you know, and if you don’t, well, you’ll know now. March is important to a lot of women because it is a chance to talk about a disease called endometriosis.
And I will touch a little bit of base about that today, what that is, and then I will also be touching base on the fact that we are the first day of March, and that means that right around the corner, in fact, tomorrow is the start of the CP Telethon because we are the first weekend already in March. So that will be March 2nd and 3rd, and how you can find that is, well, you need to sign up for a link for tomorrow because it’s 2 to 4 Central Time, and then Friday, you can watch it on WBAY Channel 2, if you’re a Wisconsinite. If you’re not, WBAY broadcasts it on their website, and that is
I’ll have the links for the WBAY and how to find it in my little description for you, so no worries if I

“talked a little bit fast and you didn’t catch it. If you don’t mind playing it a couple times so you do catch it, that’s up to you. But just know, it will be in the description for you to find.
Much easier. So with that being said, there’s another thing to note that it’s the first of March. Pretty soon it will officially be, according to the calendar, Spring.
Now I know in Wisconsin, it doesn’t feel like Spring. Maybe today, and maybe this past Tuesday it did. But Lord knows, Wednesday and Thursday it didn’t.”

“What else is there to talk about for March? Well, Easter’s coming up, and there will be a segment about that when it gets closer. And there’s multiple birthdays in my family and anniversaries in the month of March.
How about yours? You can let me know on my social media. Sweet Thoughts by Marie.
You can also email me if you want. Sweet Thoughts, sorry, no, not Sweet Thoughts by Marie. It is Sweet Marie Thoughts, S on the end of thoughts, 2022 at”

“And again, I will have those things in the little description thingy for you in case you need them. But wait, there’s one more reason to get hyped about March.
It is Women’s History Month. What does that mean? For you, my audience, that means today, you will be hearing about one person that is trying to make their mark, their impression on history.
And we’ll get into that in a little bit. So how exciting is that, my friends? We get to hear about people that actually are known for making their mark on history.
But today, we’re going to learn about someone that is still making an impact, trying to make their impact on our history, on our world, on our earth. So sit back, relax, you know the drill. Get yourself a cup of coffee, water, because it’s healthier for you.”

“Whatever you really prefer to drink, sit back and enjoy this. And if you’re like me, a multitasker, that’s okay too. So, shall we begin?
So, I just want to note, I made one error. I said Friday for The CP Telethon. It is actually on Sunday on WBAY Channel 2.
And again, that information will be in my little description of this particular podcast. So, no worries there. You will have an easy way to find it if you want to be able to watch.
Or if you’re interested. If you’re not, hey, that’s up to you. So, who is making an impact or trying to make their own impact and own reach on this world?”

“Yours truly, I am. So as you know, I’m a podcaster. As you know, I’m a writer.
As you know, or should know, I have disabilities. As you know, I like to talk about that. I like to advocate.
We all know these things already if you truly, truly know me. But I never really talk on my podcast of what those accomplishments as that advocate had been. So, I’m a first and foremost advocate for people with a physical limitation, being that I have spina bifida.
With that being said, I have advocated at the school I graduated from for adequate entrances to our high school, because quite frankly, there wasn’t one while I was there. There didn’t become one until three years after I graduated. And that was a long, exhausting fight.
But it was an accomplishment nonetheless, and well worth the exhaustion. From time to time, I do take a break from being an advocate, and I do other things, but I get that invisible kick in the butt from… I have really no other explanation for it from other than God.”

“Who will tell me from time to time you are not on the path that I want you to be on? I want you to teach people about you, about other people like you, and that it is not okay to treat them as invisible. It’s not okay to treat them as a non-equal.
It’s just not okay. Now, we know from history that people with disabilities have always been treated unkindly up until… I want to say maybe the 70s, 80s, but realistically, a lot of people with disabilities haven’t gotten equal opportunity until realistically, probably the last 20-ish years.
Sorry, but that’s my opinion. If you disagree with it, that’s okay. But that’s my opinion.
It all depends on if you are in a city also, and it depends if you are in a rural area. Now, I moved from the country to the local city where I’m from. And my city, though it’s a city, it’s a very small city.
So it doesn’t have the opportunities that a lot of bigger cities would have. And I’m talking about opportunities like, you know, maybe New York or LA or like even like places in Illinois, things

“like that. Excuse me.
So if Daphne would quit putting her freaking tail on my phone so I could record, I would be doing better. Even if I covered myself in syrup. I’m just going to ignore her and keep going.
Even though she’s trying to be cute and cuddly right now. I will give her cuddles. Don’t worry.
I will give her cuddles and hugs and kisses and things when I’m done with it. Not that she hasn’t got any already today because she got some this morning before I went and do some things that I needed to do.
By the way, I am in like two different writing groups in person. One, it’s called Art of Speaks. So you kind of like look at different art that’s at the gallery that we meet at.
We meet at all different galleries and studios across Door County. There are lots of them to choose from. They’re chosen for us ahead of time.”

“But yeah, so that’s what I was doing. So I got home maybe about an hour ago and she’s like, Mommy, mommy, mommy. So welcome to my daughter, right?
Yeah. So I’m just gonna pet her tail. Not that you can see that, but I’m gonna pet her tail because that’s what she likes, especially when she hits you with it.
That’s what she technically wants. She wants you to scratch her tail. Back to mommy though, okay?
Yeah. So I’m really proud of the fact that I have my own home. I live in an apartment.
I have lived in my own apartment for almost 10 years. In fact, a month from now will be, will mark my 10th anniversary of living where I live.
And then that will also mark 7 years of Daphne having life. Now, come September, I will have adopted her 8 years ago. And the reason that is, is I adopted her at 5 months old.
So, just for a little clarification, if you didn’t know that, I’ve had her since she was about 5 months old.”

“So, just for a little clarification, if you didn’t know that, I’ve had her since she was about 5 months old.
She’s terrorizing my pen right now. So that is another accomplishment. I’ve always wanted a pet of my own, and as soon as I got established in my home, I pretty much had that happen within 2 years.
If you’ve ever heard my episode called Precious Anna, you know that I had a cat before Daphne. It was actually Daphne’s sister. So I actually had 2 cats in my time of living on my own.
She died, and I adopted Daphne about 4 months after she died, because quite frankly, I couldn’t go without a kitty after having one. You know, when you’re on your own, but you like to be around others, you can be very lonely. And that’s just one way I have changed that, to have somebody around all the time.
And I have little miss Daphne. So that is an accomplishment that I can say I needed. You know, I talked to my doctor about it and thought long and hard about it.
And thankfully, I had a friend that had a kitten at the time that needed a home. And that’s how I got miss Daphne. And it might not seem like a big accomplishment, but for me to be able to get out of my shell and get help, that’s a huge accomplishment for me because admitting that I need help it doesn’t come naturally to me.
It’s very soul crushing when I have to. I take it very hard and personal when I have to ask for help. I know I shouldn’t, but unfortunately, that is how it is.”

“So, she is another accomplishment of speaking up for myself and letting others know what I needed, how I needed, when I needed.
Let’s see, what else have I done in my life? I know I have traveled quite a bit. If you do get my book when I publish it, I don’t know when that will happen.
I am honestly hoping, realistically, that it will happen by, if not my 40th birthday, within that year of turning 40. So, that will be in, let’s say, three years-ish, four years-ish, because my next birthday, I will be 36. So, yeah, it will be within the next four years.”

“My next birthday is June. And speaking of that, I mean, just having life has been an achievement for me, because, let’s face it, like, like I said, like, history really, or like the way people treated people with disabilities really didn’t start changing till the 70s, but people really still were hidden away so that they weren’t talked about, thought about, etc. It’s really in the last maybe 30 years that people are more to be having jobs in the community, not just working at a sheltered workshop, and please don’t, you know, attack me or anything like that.
There’s nothing wrong with having a job like that. Nothing wrong at all for those that do need that security, that slow pace kind of thing. Hey, that’s a great option for them.”

“However, realistically, that is not for everyone, especially in today’s society. And, you know, the world has come very far because people aren’t taking from their families and the families aren’t giving them away to institutions and things like that for the institution to deal with them, to raise them, to take care of them because they are quote unquote too needy. My parents were told when I was born that I would probably not be able to walk.
I can do that. I used a walker up until I was three. Now I use nothing but my braces.
I can talk. They were told that that would not be a possibility for me. Look at how many episodes I have in my podcast.”

“I think last week was like 38 in season two. And my first season, I think had maybe 20 episodes because I wasn’t quite, let’s face it, I wasn’t quite as go-getter with it and comfortable with it as I am for season two. Season three will probably get better because it is my goal to have this as a weekly thing.
So I’m sure season three will be more achieved as well. She’s sitting here purring. Yes, you are.
And you’re like, pay attention to me. Stop talking to your phone. I know.
I know. But the audience needs mom’s words. Okay, I’m sorry.

“So yeah, and I’m sorry, I’m like getting distracted and pausing my bad. I am honestly trying to work on that. Except it’s really cute when they’re, really impossible when there’s a cute seven year, almost seven year old in your face.
If you’ve ever seen Daphne, you know she’s cute as heck.
So yeah, I have accomplished so much medically that science and medics can’t explain it. And the only way I can explain it is by the mercy of God. Realistically, in the love of God, honestly.
I mean, if it wasn’t for God, I wouldn’t have a lot of things in my life. And like I told somebody earlier this week, I, if it wasn’t for God, a lot of times in my life, it’s been very dark and bleak. And I, honest to God, I, honest to God, didn’t really feel like I was loved or lovable, except for by God.”

“And that’s nothing to do with my family. My family does love me. I’ve known knew it then and I know it now.
But that more or less came from like people outside of my home, outside of my family, where I did not feel like I belonged. And that can be an entire different episode of my definition. I’ve had definitions before of friends and other things.
We could have a whole segment on community.
There are many other tasks that I can’t think of right now. Oh, I know I got, I know what I could say. I got, there’s an award that you can get at the STEE conference, which is Self-Determination Conference in Wisconsin.
And it is called the Self-Determination, no, yeah, Self-Determination Die Hard Award. And I got that in 2015. Thanks to my advocacy, I traveled down to Alabama with a stop to Tennessee.
That was back in 2018, just a few months after I got to AFNI. And yeah, when I came home with a Southern drawl, she looked at me like, you look like my mama, but you don’t sound like my mama. So took her a while to realize that I was her mama.
Don’t worry, the two weeks she was taking care of, that’s what I had Melissa for. No, my advocacy has actually gotten me, got me Melissa. It wasn’t for a group in Door County.
We probably could have eventually been friends, just not in the same way we did. We became friends.”

“My advocacy has helped me advocate to different businesses and things that, you know, more people could be patrons of their business if they were more accessible to all people and more open to all people coming to their businesses. My advocacy has gotten me a lot of different trainings, trainings on budgets, which is like the state budget and how to say, hey, I don’t quite like this, and maybe this would sound better. Things like being supported with this, this or this.
Some of those things can be anything from health, to transportation, to mental health. Mental health has been a huge thing I have been advocating for for at least the last six years of my life. Being that I have a lot of friends that have a lot of different issues that are behavioral and mental and emotional.
But first and foremost, the one thing that is and always will be important to me is the physical disabilities, the elderly not being able to move around like they once could. That is also important to me because to me, they go hand in hand. I mean, honestly, they really do.”

“So I go to a lot of different transportation meetings from time to time, especially when I know about them. And I am connected pretty well in my county to know when things happen. And I got a lot of connections, especially on the level of state.
That need… I don’t know how to word what I’m trying to word. The words are right there, but I lost train of thought.
But I have a lot of connections on different levels of different agencies, different legislators, and things like that, of who can help with what area.
And building those relationships has been an achievement in a half for me. Honestly, it has. I don’t know what else to say.
I’ve been talking for 20 minutes, and I know some of it’s rambling. I know I’ve been kind of repetitive a little bit. But I haven’t been doing it as much for me to be like, until next time.
As we all know, I do that from time to time. It’s really hard to think of like all my achievements offhand, and like giving myself that credit too has been interesting. So last week’s episode, by the way, was episode 36.

“So today’s will be 37, and tomorrow’s will be 38. This is actually going to be the fourth episode in my series with a different aspect on advocating. But I’m not going to really consider this part of my series, y’all, just so you know.
Tomorrow’s will be more fine-tuned to be considered part of the series. But I don’t know, I guess you could consider it to be part of the series. What I really want people to know, especially women, because I know that’s the majority of my listeners, especially through Spotify, thank you very much, ladies.
What I really hope you take away from this episode specifically is that you can do anything. You can do all things. And if you are a Christian like myself, you know, Philippians, there is a verse, and I can tell you what chapter or verse it is because I don’t remember.
And Melissa’s not here for me, but like, yo, Melissa, what is it? But basically, it states that you can do all things through Christ’s strength. And people, let me tell you, my life would not be where it is today without that strength.
It really wouldn’t. I wholeheartedly mean that. I humbly mean that.”

“I, if it wasn’t for Jesus having my back, I would not have the boldness that I have. Well, my boldness comes from my mother. Let’s just face that.
But I wouldn’t be confident every day like I am. You can ask my best friend. There are days where I am wholeheartedly hard on myself.
I’m like, I didn’t accomplish anything today. Or I didn’t accomplish anything this month or this week or whatever, whatever, whatever. Okay.”

“I’ll give you an example. Tuesday was my writing day. And even though I got two blogs done, a week’s worth of content done for my social media, and I caught up on my 300 prompt book, and that was like 10 days behind people.
Even though I did all that from like 8 to 2, 8 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon, I had the attitude of I didn’t accomplish a thing. And so that’s my best friend. And I love Melissa because she’s like, wait a minute, what did you accomplish?
And I’m like, I just showed you, I didn’t accomplish anything. And she’s like, no, I want to know in detail what all you did. And I told her just as I told you guys, you know, with the seven posts, the ten, at least ten different prompts.”

“I also caught up on my morning pages. I don’t know if I don’t remember if I told her that, but I caught up on my morning pages.
I caught up on putting stickers in my planner, not in my planner, but when I’m done journaling, I put a sticker for that day, and that sticker reminds me about something that happened that day. It could be good, bad, in between, whatever, but that’s what that sticker is for. It also signifies I’m done.
Okay, so I did all that, and then whatever else I said I did, or blogs or whatever. I did all that, but I had like maybe two or three other things to do on my to-do list for the week, and I didn’t get them done. Tomorrow was a work day for me, so I could probably get those two or three other things done tomorrow, but I didn’t think about that on Tuesday.
And she just nicely looked at me, and she goes, okay, you just listed off probably half a dozen to a dozen things you actually did. Shut up. I don’t want to hear it.”

“And I’ll just look at her, and I’m like, okay, you might feel or think that that’s an accomplishment, but for me, my brain, an accomplishment is absolutely nothing to do on that to do list, right? I mean, that’s what a lot of people think of as their to do list. You know what I’m saying?
Adding more to that to do list is just horrendous. You know what I’m saying? If you’ve been there, you know what I’m saying.
If you have anxiety, if you have depression, if you have any kind of disorder, even if you’re OCD, you’re not done until you’re done. You know what I’m saying? And as a person trying to make history, you’ve got to remember or you’ve got to keep in mind it doesn’t take all the things to be memorable.
You don’t even have to be memorable to the entire world. You could just be memorable to your community. And my biggest thing is I look at the big picture, right?”

“I want to be memorable across the state, right? That’s what I want. Across the world even would be great.
But reality is, would I even matter in a third world country? Would I even matter in another state? Would I matter in another county?
Maybe, maybe not. We’ll never know. You don’t know what you don’t know, and you don’t know what tomorrow can bring you.
So, I guess the moral of the story is, appreciate what you have today, right? Exactly. So, again, I don’t know if I’m going to count this as partially part of my advocacy series that I’m doing right now.
More than likely not. I am going to end it here, because I am completely running out of words, for sure. So, as always, be blessed, be kind, share hope and courage.”

“Now, as always, love one another. Love and peace, everybody. Thank you.
Thank you, everybody.”

“Hey y’all, thank you again for listening. It shows that what I’m doing is for good, and that people do care. And I appreciate that.
So thank you for the love. Just know your love, you’re cared for, you are all the things. Here are some ways that you can show support for me and show some love.
You can find me on all social medias like Facebook and Instagram. And you can also find me on Pinterest. I’m trying to figure out how to put my blog on there just to get some new people to read it, look at it, hopefully follow it.
So if you do those things already, you are amazing, you are wonderful. Just know I love you a lot. And you can email me at Sweet Thoughts by Marie.
No, that is how you can find me on Instagram and Facebook. You can email me at sweetmariethoughts, S on the end of thoughts, 2022 at Again, I appreciate any way you support me, whether it’s listening to my words as I speak them, whether it’s reading my words that I have written.”

“Just know you are the best for supporting me in any way you have supported me. Thank you very much for all you’ve done. It really helps me in so many ways, more than I can really express.
I am at a loss of expression of words, I really am. One thing that I know by your support, whether you read my words, listen to my words, or both, I know that I’m on the right path and that I’m doing the thing that I am supposed to be doing, which is sharing my stories, which is sharing my life experience. And I hope it does what it’s supposed to, which is touch your life in a way to know you are not alone.
I hope nobody that listens to me ever considers themselves to be a nobody. Please know you’re somebody. You are somebody to somebody, whether you realize it or not, whether it is expressed or not.”

“You are somebody to somebody, okay? That might not make sense, but I really mean it. You mean something to someone, not just yourself.
Just know your love, always. Whether it’s by someone in your life or by God, I have my days where I feel he’s the only one that backs me up and has me in my corner for the next round, you know what I’m saying? He has me ready for the next fight.
But realistically, we all have people that love us, even though people tend to have a really pretty way of showing that they love and care for someone. And that hurts, I know. I get it.
I do.”

“That’s all I can say, people. Never forget, you are somebody. You are loved.
You are needed. You are wanted. And sometimes a little extra prayer is all that’s needed to help you figure that out.
Or maybe a conversation. Again, I know I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Never give up.”

From Hurricane in my life: Women’s History Month Start Out, Mar 1, 2024
This material may be protected by copyright.

Author, Mental Wellbeing, Wellbeing, What's Up?

February came and went:

In February we had Fat Tuesday a sign of Mardi Gra and a sign that for those whom take part into Lent that it is upon us once again. A time for sacrifice and reflection. With the start of a Bavarian Cream Packzi (terrible speller).

Ash Wednesday the start of lent sacrifices and reflections. The reminder that humanity is imperfect as I can name you a lot of lent sacrifices that went to pot before Easter was upon us. Yet I try every year to be an example not the part of the problems.

A heavy heart is trying to be lighter. Even though my mind is full of disheartening acts of others but that can be an article for a future date.

Author, Podcast, What's Up?

Contact legislation

“Hello, all, welcome.
My name is Marie, and you are listening to Hurricane in my life. Hurricane in my life is a podcast where I share my stories, life experiences that are ups and downs. I also occasionally, as you know, if you’ve been listening for a while, I use my podcasts as a way to vent and share more than ups.
Usually a lot of downs. However, today will maybe be a surprise.
Each episode is different and unique. So please sit back, relax, grab some water, as it’s best for you, and best to get at least 64 ounces in a day.
I want to pause for just a second.
Please don’t forget that sometimes trigger warnings are needed, they’re necessary, they are.
So if you feel the topic of today’s show is too much for you, or makes you kind of have like that not right feeling, make sure that you do the right thing for you. And maybe that means don’t listen. Go ahead, skip, that won’t hurt my feelings.
Or maybe save it for a time where you would be okay to listen. That’s okay too.
Please take the necessary steps you need to take to take care of you. As that’s number one.
Reach out to your safe person or people to recover.
And remember, I am not a professional.
I am just a scarred up person trying to educate others about my heartaches and life tragedies. With all that being said, let’s get started, shall we?
Hello, friends, welcome to Hurricane in my life. This is Marie. And today we are gonna talk about, what are we gonna talk about?
Oh yeah, legislators.”

“How can we meet with them? And all the good things to do with that. This is a continuance of my series that I’m doing right now, as it’s very important to advocate and talk to legislators right now.
As the governor had gave his state of the state speech a few weeks ago, more than a few weeks ago, I think about a month ago. And it’s really bad, I can’t think right now if it’s a budget year. But nevertheless, it’s always good to know what’s going on with that.
It helps educate, especially with proposals and things like that. So one way you can find out about that is stay in the know. How do you stay in the know?
Believe it or not, internet can help with internet, searches through different agencies and things, government, whatever.
All it takes is a Google search. So I stay in the know because of different agencies that I follow, and I stay informed by one of them being BPDD. You heard me speak about that last week.” “And another way I stay informed is to just listen to other advocates, other people with disabilities, and learning from each other. So how can you talk to legislators? Honestly, talk to them just like you talk to me, talk to somebody else.
Really, it’s really that easy. First, you’re going to want to make an appointment that might be in medicine, that might be at your home somewhere. You can invite them into your home, or invite them to a coffee shop of some sort.
That is something that I do quite frequently. Honestly, though, I have been slacking, I’m not going to lie. Because of COVID, however, is something that I need to get back into.
So as I encourage you to do, I will be taking the steps to get back into the know of things. If you follow your legislators close enough, sometimes they have a newsletter that goes out. Mine, for example, both my senator and my assembly person, they are on the local radio at least once a month.
I have to figure out when they are on R, but I believe it’s like the second and first, it’s either the first and second and third, something like that. One’s on one week and one’s on the following week. And that is one way to kind of get information of the ins and outs of the capital where I live, which happens to be Madison.
It’s also a good way to know, find out what’s going on in also Washington if there’s anything that needs to know that you haven’t caught already. And as a way, you can call in and talk to them as well as questions that can be answered on the radio if you so choose. I mean, like, that is completely, totally up to you.
But my favorite way to keep in the know is by email. I just don’t like, believe it or not, I don’t like talking a whole lot. So, yeah, my favorite way to communicate is email.
Now, this wants to say that I don’t make phone calls, because I do every once in a while. Especially if I, like, don’t want to wait for an answer, or maybe I’ve sent a bunch of emails and I’m tired of not getting an answer, or maybe not understanding the answer that I’ve gotten, that happens every once in a while, you know? If you’re anything like me, reading comprehension is not always the best.”

“And hearing things is always a better way for me to personally learn and retain information. So that’s, again, just me. We all learn at different pace and different ways.
So, you know, personally, no judgment from me on however it is a person learns, because actually I learn all three different ways. I learn tactile, which, you know, is hands-on, repetitive, depending on what it is. I also learn auditorial, which is by hearing, and then visual, depending on, like I said, the subject.
So, again, what can you do? First, if you go to the Capitol, you know, you would go with a problem, have a story to go with it to kind of make it personal, have it asked, even if it’s just, can I follow up with you in a month? Can I follow up with you in a week?”

“Can we make this like a weekly occurrence or a month by monthly occurrence? And sometimes, you know, they’ll come back to you. If you could, and they know you have answers or can get answers, you’ll get questions.
You know, don’t be afraid of questions. So, you know, if there’s a way you could work together, I’m figuring out a problem, not just making it known what the problem is. You know, it’s a good way to build rapport with each other, and it’s a good way to build, not just rapport, but build relationships, or build that confidence, build the trust.
Trust is a big thing. Again, that is with all legislators. First, I would start, like, locally.
So that would be, again, your state, senate, and assembly, first and foremost. And you can branch out to, like, people in Washington as well, Washington, DC as well. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“I don’t discourage that in any form. You can also reach out to the governor’s office. I’ve done that.
I’ve had in-person meetings with him when I was, you know, a higher-up person on the board for People First. I haven’t been a higher-up, you know, position for a while. I’ve actually been kind of backed off of People First for a little bit.
Just been really focused on me and focused on some things that I’ve been dealing with. And so, yeah. Then, I mean, how can you reach out?
Obviously, like I said, phone, email. I can put a website where you can find, actually, not just who to contact and how to contact them, but, you know, if you’re not 100% sure who your representative or your senator is, you can also find out that information. I highly recommend, I find, one way that has been pretty impactful for me to start that olive branch for a working relationship, handwritten letter, wholeheartedly.”

“It’s a little bit more personal than an email. It’s like it’s from a human, because it quite frankly is, you know what I’m saying? So I highly, highly, highly recommend, you know, making sure you know who your assembly person is, who your senator is, and handwriting that letter first, you know, to kind of build that rapport, build that relationship.
Then also another personal touch can be phone calls on a regular basis. I’m not saying like every day, because you want to build a relationship, you don’t want to, you know, annoy the person. But definitely handwritten letter and phone calls can work, um, light years of difference in trying to build a relationship.
And, um, you know, if you run into a snag where there is stigma, you know, be open to having a conversation about why the stigma is not okay, why it’s maybe harmful. It does happen, but, you know, be respectful about it, you know, to bring change and bring the outcome out and forward to which you realistically want. And I know today is going to be a little bit shorter than it’s been for the past two, three weeks.” “And I’m sorry about that, but I guess today’s episode just won’t have as much to be said. So, in the description for a show note, I will have a phone number where you can call to find out your senator or representative, because, let’s face it, I have people that are not always from Door County that listen to me. So you won’t have the same people that I have.
And how do you find out those people? And how do you contact them? And how, you know, you can build the rapport and everything like that the same as I do, the same as I have, but doesn’t mean you’re going to be talking to the same people that I talk to.
Not to discourage you from talking to senators or representatives in other areas, because technically, hey, the more people you have in one basket, the more connections you have, the better. Because as my assembly person puts it, you know, he’s only one person out on a floor of, you know, representatives for 71 other counties to represent the whole of Wisconsin. You know, he’s got how many different minds to, you know, kind of try and get them to see what he’s seeing and how he’s thinking.”

“You know, he’s only one person. So it works better when we work together, not against each other. But again, I will send in the little description of this episode, I will get the information to find out how to get addresses, get emails, and get phone numbers.
So that will be part of this episode. Again, I am Marie. Thank you for choosing Hurricane in my life.”

“And be blessed, be peaceful, be loved, be kind, all the things. Remember, you are loved. And I will talk to you again next week.
Much love and peace. Bye.
Hey y’all, thank you again for listening. It shows that what I’m doing is for good, and that people do care. And I appreciate that.
So thank you for the love. Just know you’re loved, you’re cared for, you are all the things. Here are some ways that you can show support for me, and show some love.
You can find me on all social medias, like Facebook and Instagram, and you can also find me on Pinterest. I’m trying to figure out how to put my blog on there, just to get some new people to read it, look at it, hopefully follow it. So if you do those things already, you are amazing, you are wonderful.”

“Just know I love you a lot. And you can email me at Sweet Thoughts by Marie. No, that is how you can find me on Instagram and Facebook.
You can email me at sweetmariethoughts, S on the end of thoughts, 2022, at Again, I appreciate any way you support me, whether it’s listening to my words as I speak them, whether it’s reading my words that I have written. Just know you are the best for supporting me in any way.
You have supported me. Thank you very much for all you’ve done. It really helps me in so many ways, more than I can really express.
I am at a loss of expression of words. I really am. One thing that I know by your support, whether you read my words, listen to my words, or both, I know that I’m on the right path and that I’m doing the thing that I am supposed to be doing, which is sharing my stories, which is sharing my life experience.”

“And I hope it does what it’s supposed to, which is touch your life in a way to know you are not alone. I hope nobody that listens to me ever considers themselves to be a nobody. Please know you’re somebody.
You are somebody to somebody, whether you realize it or not, whether it is expressed or not. You are somebody to somebody, okay? That might not make sense, but I really mean it.
You mean something to someone, not just yourself.
Just know your love, always.”

“Whether it’s by someone in your life or by God, I have my days where I feel he’s the only one that backs me up and has me in my corner for the next round, you know what I’m saying? He has me ready for the next fight. But realistically, we all have people that love us, even though people tend to have a really pretty way of showing that they love and care for someone.
And that hurts, I know, I get it, I do.
That’s all I can say, people, is never forget, you are somebody, you are loved, you are needed, you are wanted, and sometimes a little extra prayer is all that’s needed to help you figure that out. Or maybe a conversation. Again, I know I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, never give up.
Thank you.”

From Hurricane in my life: Contacting Legislation, Feb 24, 2024
This material may be protected by copyright.

Author, Podcast, Wellbeing, What's Up?

Resources and committees

“Hello, all, welcome. My name is Marie, and you are listening to Hurricane in my life.
Hurricane in my life is a podcast where I share my stories, life experiences that are ups and downs. I also occasionally, as you know, if you’ve been listening for a while, I use my podcasts as a way to vent and share more than ups. Usually a lot of downs.
However, today will maybe be a surprise.
Each episode is different and unique. So please sit back, relax, grab some water, as it’s best for you, and best to get at least 64 ounces in a day.
I want to pause for just a second.
Please don’t forget that sometimes trigger warnings are needed, they’re necessary, they are.
So if you feel the topic of today’s show is too much for you, or makes you kind of have like that not right feeling, make sure that you do the right thing for you. And maybe that means don’t listen.
Go ahead, skip, that won’t hurt my feelings.
Or maybe save it for a time where you would be okay to listen.

“I want to pause for just a second.”

“Please don’t forget that sometimes trigger warnings are needed, they’re necessary, they are.
So if you feel the topic of today’s show is too much for you, or makes you kind of have like that not right feeling, make sure that you do the right thing for you. And maybe that means don’t listen.
Go ahead, skip, that won’t hurt my feelings.
Or maybe save it for a time where you would be okay to listen. That’s okay too.
Please take the necessary steps you need to take to take care of you. As that’s number one.
Reach out to your safe person or people to recover.”

“And remember, I am not a professional.
I am just a scarred up person trying to educate others about my heartaches and life tragedies. With all that being said, let’s get started, shall we?
Today’s episode will be a continuance from last week. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Everyone, this week’s episode is all about agencies that need advocates.
Not only that, but how can you join an organization, a group, an agency to become a advocate? Well, there’s a couple of different ways you can do it. Sometimes you need to fill out an application.
Sometimes with that application, you have an interview process. And sometimes, you just have to fill out the application, maybe give some references, don’t have to worry too much about an interview process, but nowadays, it’s a lot like applying for a job. You know, people want to make sure it’s safer, whoever you’re volunteering for, you know, maybe it’s somebody that’s disabled, maybe it’s somebody that’s emotionally or mentally disturbed, so they got to be protected, and you know, if someone has a bad record of harming people in any way, you know, that’s not a good fit.”

“So they have these practices that have really been since the early 2000s. I know of a lot of churches that you can’t even be a religious education teacher without a background check. You don’t necessarily have to have, like, a teaching criteria, like degree, background, whatever.
You just need that background check. So, yeah, what are some things, other than that, that you can do? If you have an Asian Disability Resource Center, also known as ADRC, some people, annoyingly, still call it the Senior Center.
It’s not. Senior Center, to most people, implies it’s only for seniors. That is not the case.
It’s not even just for people. Sorry about that. It’s not even just for people that are elderly.
It’s for everybody. Well, not for people that are disabled. Sorry, that’s what I meant.”

“Elderly and senior is the same thing. You can be in high school, and in need of knowledge of services, resources, whatever, you can call your local Aging and Disability Resource Center. If you need, say, resources for disability rights, you can find that through the ADRC.
You can find out benefits. You can find information for programs in your community. That’s the first stop to getting long-term care services.
That is the first stop, really, for any service you could think of. It’s a one-stop shop for just about everything and anything. And yeah, so what’s the next thing you could do?”

“You could be on a board of people with developmental disabilities. Not saying that ten times at all. Let’s just shorten that to BPDD.
I know I’m usually against using acronyms when teaching. I know that I am, however, not against using them when people know what they stand for. If they don’t know what they stand for, well, then it’s just jargon.
So if you have to, you can listen to this episode. Obviously, as many times as you want, you are more than encouraged to do so if you didn’t catch anything I said. If you didn’t, though, please let me know, because that means that I have to do a better job of enunciating.
So I’m going to enunciate a few things before I keep going. First and foremost, ADRC is Aging Disability Resource Center. Sorry about that, y’all.” “I got a phone call. That’s only about four-ish minutes of talking. So I’m going to repeat something.
If it’s a repeat, sorry. Y’all know I’m bad at it. I promise you I’m trying to work on it.
ADRC stands for Aging Disability Resource Center. BPDD stands for Board of People with Developmental Disabilities. Now, how can you get on that board?
Well, again, it’s an application process, but the person that appoints you is our governor. For the ADRC, if you be on their advisory board, and they actually have two, because they have the nutrition board too, I believe the final say for that is the county board. Your local county, I think it’s like Human Services, that technically have the say on that.
I know there are a couple of different long-term boards. There’s boards that oversees family care. There are boards that oversees IRIS, and actually that might be one board.
I have to do more investigating on that one to be technical. And if you know a member on any of these boards, you can go to them with a problem, and they are supposed to go to the board with that problem, or that concern, or that suggestion. So if you know someone on that board, by all means, go to them, and they know the proper channels to go to get answers or results.
Now, if you have an ADRC-related thing, you can email yours truly at my email, sweet thoughts, excuse me, sorry, no, no, no.
However, I promise you, I will get better about this, I really will. Well, so what are some other things, oh, there’s NAMI, which is national. I don’t even remember what the heck NAMI stands for.” “I will look that up, and I’ll get back to you. It’s like something, darn it, I know it’s with mental health. That’s how much I remember.
That’s the problem when I know way too freaking many acronyms, it really is.
I don’t know, I am a part of the advisory board for the local mental health facility here in Sturgeon Bay, and that’s called Jack’s Place, and that’s a lot of fun, that’s interesting. And it’s a place that I spend a lot of my time during the week.
Yeah, I probably spend, like, at least two, three days a week there, depending on the activities.
And that’s something that, especially in the last four years, has become very important to me to advocate, not just because of watching people that struggle, you know, having loved ones and things that struggle, but having my own struggles with mental health and knowing the importance of being able to talk about those struggles and getting the help I need with those struggles. And yeah, like, it’s no fun trying to advocate about something, whether it’s somebody bothering you, whether it’s being treated unfairly, whether it’s you’re able to hold on a job or not. There’s a lot of different factors in the mental health.”

“Are you capable of being able to be around others or whatever, or are you gonna lose it on others? And on others, trust me, I lose it on others more than I like to admit. Unfortunately, though, that has to do with a lot of trauma that I’ve gone through.”

“And it has to do with a lot of how, frankly, I grew up. You know, I just grew up. Don’t let others give you too much garbage.
No, and if they do give you garbage, don’t internalize it.”

“I am definitely a big promoter in having a safe environment, whether it’s somewhere to hang out, whether it’s to live in, whether it’s to worship in, whether it’s to get from point A to point B in, it don’t matter, people. It’s very, very important to have a safe environment, no matter where you’re at, no matter what the situation. It’s not okay for someone to take advantage of you because of your sex.
It’s not okay for someone to take advantage of you because of your mental capacity. It’s not okay to be taken advantage of because, because someone feels like it. That’s not okay.” “It’s not okay, okay? Point blank, it’s not, it’s just not. So I’ve had to use my advocacy skills to raise my voice about this, to bring awareness to these things.
And like I said, maybe in a week or so, I can get into like the, really the nuts and bolts of who to go to for what issue, how to talk to them, how to communicate with them, things of that nature. So, I can also find resources for, I don’t know, maybe sending a letter or something like that. Maybe I could throw a mock one together real quick or something, and put it maybe on my blog.
We’ll see how much I use my time wisely this week to work, because, quite frankly, there are times, like this week, where I’m not very mindful about keeping you guys informed. And that’s not okay, because that’s not what I want. I want you guys informed.
I want you guys to know what you need to know, because you don’t know what you need to know if you don’t know. That’s something I hear a lot when it comes to my writing buddies. You know, you don’t know what you don’t know, plain and simple.”

“And I feel like I’ve got a good place, mentally, emotionally, where I can focus. I don’t have to worry about a couple of things that I’ve been worrying about the past couple of weeks, as I have stated in my podcast. Be mindful, be kind, be caring, as always.
Don’t jump straight to judgment. That’s not kind. Yeah, be blessed.
Have a good week, everybody. This will be kind of a short episode, which I know you probably won’t mind. I have been having kind of longer episodes the last couple of weeks.
Well, it depends on what comes up. So I can touch base on some of these things more. If you want, all you got to do is ask, and you shall receive.”

“Much love, peace, and always be kind. Mwah! Love you, people.
Hey, y’all. Thank you again for listening. It shows that what I’m doing is for good, and that people do care.
And I appreciate that. So, thank you for the love. Just know, you’re loved, you’re cared for, you are you are all the things.
Here are some ways that you can show support for me and show some love. You can find me on all social medias, like Facebook and Instagram, and you can also find me on Pinterest. I’m trying to figure out how to put my blog on there, just to get some new people to read it, look at it, hopefully follow it.”

“So if you do, those things are ready. You are amazing, you are wonderful. Just know I love you a lot.
And you can email me at sweetthoughtsbymarie. No, that is how you can find me on Instagram and Facebook. You can email me at sweetmariethoughts, S on the end of thoughts, 2022, at
Again, I appreciate any way you support me, whether it’s listening to my words as I speak them, whether it’s reading my words that I have written. Just know you are the best for supporting me in any way you have supported me. Thank you very much for all you’ve done.”

“It really helps me in so many ways, more than I can really express. I am at a loss of expression of words, I really am. One thing that I know by your support, whether you read my words, listen to my words, or both, I know that I’m on the right path, and that I’m doing the thing that I am supposed to be doing, which is sharing my stories, which is sharing my life experience.
And I hope it does what it’s supposed to, which is touch your life in a way to know you are not alone. I hope nobody that listens to me ever considers themselves to be a nobody. Please know you’re somebody.
You are somebody to somebody, whether you realize it or not, whether it is expressed or not. You are somebody to somebody, okay? That might not make sense, but I really mean it.
You mean something to someone, not just yourself.
Just know your love, always.”

“Whether it’s by someone in your life or by God. I have my days where I feel he’s the only one that backs me up and has me in my corner for the next round. You know what I’m saying?
He has me ready for the next fight. But realistically, we all have people that love us, even though people tend to have a really cruddy way of showing that they love and care for someone. And that hurts, I know, I get it, I do.
But that’s all I can say, people, is never forget, you are somebody, you are loved, you are needed, you are wanted. And sometimes a little extra prayer is all that’s needed to help you figure that out. Or maybe a conversation.
Again, I know I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Never give up.”

From Hurricane in my life: Resources and committees, Feb 17, 2024
This material may be protected by copyright.

Author, educational issues, What's Up?

Ask for help?

“My name is Marie, and you are listening to Hurricane in my life. Hurricane in my life is a podcast where I share my stories, life experiences that are ups and downs. I also occasionally, as you know, if you’ve been listening for a while, I use my podcasts as a way to vent and share more than ups.
Usually a lot of downs. However, today will maybe be a surprise. Each episode is different and unique.
So please sit back, relax, grab some water, as it’s best for you, and best to get at least 64 ounces in a day.
I want to pause for just a second.
Please don’t forget that sometimes trigger warnings are needed, they’re necessary, they are. So if you feel the topic of today’s show is too much for you, or makes you kind of have like that not right feeling, make sure that you do the right thing for you. And maybe that means don’t listen.
Go ahead, skip, that won’t hurt my feelings. Or maybe save it for a time where you would be okay to listen. That’s okay too.

“Please take the necessary steps you need to take to take care of you. As that’s number one. Reach out to your safe person or people to recover.
And remember, I am not a professional. I am just a scarred up person trying to educate others about my heartaches and life tragedies. With all that being said, let’s get started, shall we?
Hey, y’all.
This week’s topic is one you’ve been waiting for for a while.
It’s on legislative talks.
It’s on how to advocate for yourself.
So with that, it won’t be just about the legislative part. It’ll have a couple of different parts to it.
But over the next couple of podcast episodes for me, I am going to talk about how to advocate for yourself and to advocate for others.”

“If you know me, when I advocate, I advocate not just for myself, but I advocate for anyone that struggles in the same ways that I do, or in the same ways of other people that I know of.
So, some of the top things that I advocate for are, if you have a physical disability like myself, so having accessible doorways, accessible to assistance of going upstairs, so maybe an elevator, maybe a staircase, like chair thing, I don’t even know what it’s called.
At the moment, it’s drawing, I’m drawing a blank on it.
When I think of it, I will say it, or I might have to look it up. I am on several different boards, and that’s like another way you can actually advocate is by getting on a board of some sort. So there are many different boards.”

“There’s boards for independent living, there’s boards for mental health, there are boards for physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, I’ve been on multiple boards, various disabilities for the most part. I am a person that lately, one thing I have been strongly advocating about is that when somebody’s bothering you, and you don’t want them to bother you, like going to them and telling them to leave you alone, and if that doesn’t work, then going to someone else, that you feel comfortable getting them to stop. That is another form of advocating.
It’s a form of advocating for myself.
I like to advocate.
When I advocate for things that I need, I also think of them as, I’m not the only one who needs them. There’s somebody else that’s going to need it too. So, like, a lot of elderly, as you get older, you struggle to maybe walk, stand, sit, all those things.”

“And I am going to be 36 years old in June. I struggle with those things already. So those are some things that are really important to me.
But like I said, my brain is just wired to think about others besides thinking of myself. Call me Cray Cray. It’s just how I roll.
So, I don’t know, I’ve talked about quite a few different things. So, like I said, I’m going to pick this apart and make it into several sections.
So, bear with me for the rest of February.
This will be the main topic. There might be some other points of topics coming up. There might be a few bonus episodes this month.”

“We’ll see how my whole plan ends up working out. So, I have, like I said, a few bullet points of things that I want to talk about. I’ve already mentioned a bunch of them in this one, so sorry if this one seems like I’m rambling, because I kind of feel like I am, and I just want to apologize for that in advance.
And take a quick pause, and I will go into one specific thing of all the things that I’ve mentioned right now. I’m going to pick one of them, and then talk about it in length, and then that will be this week’s episode. So bear with me.
Thanks. So I have decided which part I’m going to explain and kind of go into depth first about, and that would be advocating for needs.
Like, you gotta figure out what the actual need is.
And so, for example, a lot of my needs are because of my physical disability. There’s a lot of tasks that I just physically cannot do. There are some tasks that I can do, but then some days, I mentally just can’t do them.”

“I know I can’t take care of them mentally for whatever reason. Maybe I’m having an off day, maybe I’m having a depressive day, maybe I’m having an anxious day.
I have to advocate for myself that I need help. I’m very stubborn about that part, and my friends and family can attest to that. Asking for help for me is like…
it’s like soul crushing, but at the same time, it’s also like a detonator being placed on my chest and then just waiting for it to go off any minute. And the reason is, I’m very prideful. I can definitely say I’m very prideful when it comes to being independent.”

“So when I don’t have that independence, it’s very depressing, and can make a depressive episode worse. But I’ve learned over time that, you know, if you talk to the right person, ask the right person questions, then you can get the proper help that you need. Whether it be medically, whether it be physically, whether it be, maybe you just need a friend to talk to, not so much to do stuff with you or for you, but maybe just having someone just offer their capability of listening.
Now, offering your capability of listening doesn’t always mean offering your capability of using your mouth. Sometimes it’s just better to shut your mouth and open your ear holes.”

“And I know I have a lot of people in my life right now that I have been saying that to quite a bit. And I know that I get frustrated too when needs and things aren’t met, especially if they’re no-brainer, if they’re really obvious. Sometimes you don’t know what the proper fix might be for something, so asking that ask can be difficult, because someone could be like, oh, well, okay, that’s a problem, but how do we help you fix it?
And you literally just be like, I only know the problem, I don’t know the solution. If I knew the solution, like, although it would be fixed, right? So, yeah, like, gee, I know I’m repeating myself a lot today.
I don’t know why I’m struggling so bad today.”

“For those of you that are country music artists, fans, country music fans in general, whatever, you should probably know, if you didn’t already, you’ll know now, that Choe Heat passed away, and that is really sad and tragic to the industry, because, I mean, he’s a really great man, very humble, take no shit, give no shit kind of person, and I really liked him as an artist. I still do, I listen to quite a bit of his music today, actually twice today, for like over an hour, maybe eight full times, but it’s been kind of, I don’t know, off day for me. It’s like the only thing I can think of, probably because he just died from stomach cancer, and I lost my auntie, my favorite, one of my favorite aunties, actually, to a blood cancer on November 30th.”

“So cancer sucks, and it makes life hell, living hell for people, not just the ones that go through it, but the loved ones that have to watch their loved one go through what they go through. And yeah, it was just really hard to not feel for all the other fans that have lost a favorite artist of theirs. And it’s really hard to not think of the family and things like that.
And it really holds down why I do what I do. Like, not just advocating for myself for my needs, but then advocating for other people’s needs. Like, seriously, it’s 2024, and I know we’re not all made to live forever.”

“You know, nobody’s invincible to death. But, like, for someone so loving, so caring to pass away, that’s just really, really, really sucky, really, really hard. And I have actually been touched by cancer many, many times in my life, more times than I can count, realistically.
And actually, speaking from an advocate perspective, I have worked with Relay for Life, worked with Relay for Life for many years, actually collecting money and being on a team and doing the walk and everything like that. I don’t anymore. I’ve moved on to other things.
But, I mean, that’s one thing that’s really close to me and just thinking in general. But I want to stop that little tangent right there and kind of hone in on what my purpose is of my first message. So my first message would be like knowing when to ask for help and then knowing how to ask for help.”

“And if you don’t know either one, maybe your first quest is figuring out what you really need of yourself from other people. And then working from there to figure out what your basic one or two or whatever amount of needs you have figuring that part out. So yeah, that is pretty much what I’m gonna start with for this podcast episode that will be coming out this weekend sometime.
And yeah, next time, I’ll talk a little bit more on being a part of an advisory committee, an organization, or board. Until next time, much peace, love, care, and always remember, you are blessed and loved. Later, everybody.
Hey, y’all. Thank you again for listening. It shows that what I’m doing is for good, and that people do care.
And I appreciate that. So, thank you for the love. Just know, you’re loved, you’re cared for, you are all the things.”

“Here are some ways that you can show support for me and show some love. You can find me on all social medias, like Facebook and Instagram, and you can also find me on Pinterest. I’m trying to figure out how to put my blog on Facebook.
Just to get some new people to read it, look at it, hopefully follow it. So if you do those things already, you are amazing, you are wonderful. Just know I love you a lot.
And you can email me at sweetthoughtsbymarie. No, that is how you can find me on Instagram and Facebook. You can email me at sweetmariethoughts, S on the end of thoughts, 2022 at”

“Again, I appreciate any way you support me, whether it’s listening to my words as I speak them, whether it’s reading my words that I have written. Just know you are the best for supporting me in any way you have supported me. Thank you very much for all you’ve done.
It really helps me in so many ways, more than I can really express. I am at a loss of expression of words, I really am. One thing that I know by your support, whether you read my words, listen to my words, or both, I know that I’m on the right path, and that I’m doing the thing that I am supposed to be doing, which is sharing my stories, which is sharing my life experience.”

“And I hope it does what it’s supposed to, which is touch your life in a way to know you are not alone. I hope nobody that listens to me ever considers themselves to be a nobody. Please know you’re somebody.
You are somebody to somebody, whether you realize it or not, whether it is expressed or not. You are somebody to somebody, okay? That might not make sense, but I really mean it.
You mean something to someone, not just yourself. Just know your love, always. Whether it’s by someone in your life or by God, you know, I have my days where I feel he’s the only one that backs me up and has me in my corner for the next round, you know what I’m saying?
He has me ready for the next fight. But realistically, we all have people that love us, even though people tend to have a really pretty way of showing that they love and care for someone. And that hurts, I know.”

“I get it, I do. That’s all I can say, people, is never forget. You are somebody.
You are loved.
You are needed, you are wanted. And sometimes a little extra prayer is all that’s needed to help you figure that out. Or maybe a conversation.
Again, I know I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, never give up.”

From Hurricane in my life: Ask for help?, Feb 10, 2024
This material may be protected by copyright.

First of series on Advocacy for 2024

Author, What's Up?, writing challenge

Happy New Year’s

I hope you all had a great Christmas as I did this year. Got everything I wanted and more.

As I said Happy New year’s. I lost and kept of 10 lbs for 2023 I’m hoping to do more in 2024 will see if I stick to my goals.

My other goal is to follow through with my blogging and podcasting as I am 23 consecutive podcasts right now.

I hope to get back on track with my podcast I have had a lot going on with people in my life dying this last month, Christmas and before that being sick from a bladder infection. May I have a better January.

If you have a resolution or goal for 2024 I’d love to hear about it in the comments or find my Sweet Thoughts By Marie on Facebook and Instagram and let me know there or you can email me at

Thanks everyone who has helped me make 2023 a great year for Sweet Thoughts by Marie and Hurricane in my Life the success it is, may you continue to support me in 2024. Hope you have enjoyed the ride this far and continue with me.

Author, family, Mental Wellbeing, Poetry, Wellbeing, What's Up?

Tis the season part 3

What can I say about the season that I haven’t said all ready?

I’m going to keep this one short as its late an I’m getting sleepy.

If you need someone in a crisis moment, feel lonely, etc please call or text 988 it’s a free number to call when you struggle.

You can always text 741-741 as well text them a key word and someone well answer you. You may be asked questions and well be asked what you prefer to be called. Go ahead and give any name you want.

Love and Peace always everyone be safe this season.

Author, family, Mental Wellbeing, Wellbeing, What's Up?

Tis the season (part 2)

It’s the season again of giving, being joyful, gathering and remembering the greatest gift ever to be given the gift of life and knowing that the gift would give his own life to clean us of our sins an cleanse our sinful world.

We all sin whether we like it or not and whether or not we want to admit it. Even if we’re well put together and seemingly prefect in all the worldly was that matter. In the end they don’t realistically matter.

Friday night was the first of a new month December to be exact. I was sitting in Subway at our local Walmart with my best friend having dinner reflecting on the day when we said something that made me look at her puzzled.

I actually made her uncomfortable with the look I gave her on Friday. I had been feeling quite bummed with the news of my aunties passing. Don’t get me wrong I’m very glad she isn’t suffering and can be in peace. It was really sad that the reality was the process of having to close a chapter of your life and start a new with one character less is never easy.

Many people well disagree with me an that’s okay I don’t care.

A few things I refuse to do in my season of grief is act as if everything is okay because frankly it isn’t, and it won’t be for a while. And frankly that’s okay and even if my loved ones don’t agree with me guess what we were not all made to agree 24/7 that would not make for an interesting life story. It does make room to discuss adult issues like that just like a grown up that can handle those hard moments.

So what was it that Melissa said that was so profound? As she looked at and watched the other shoppers of the store for the time we were at the Subway she looked around and said that it was amazing how everyone goes about there day, evening, moments, store trip, or work realistically whatever they are doing with no knowledge or care of the rest of the world. No care that someone could of lost someone special to them, maybe on verge of losing a job or relationship whatever they could possibly be doing the world still goes around and around. All well we “just live on planet earth”.

So how am I making this to be part of a series?

Our Pastor just had a sermon with a few of those very same points Melissa had on Friday this past Sunday. Amazing how the Lord and Savior works.

Having some friends and familybthay are careless to others feelings and problems.

We all can do a few things this season. As I say in my podcast “Hurricane in my Life” which some weeks feels more like the “Hurricane that is my Life”. Is just that a situational problem that can be temporary and not life lasting. Yet we all have a hard time living in the moment, so how can we be more in the moment and about other this season?

Here are a few ways that I can think of.

  • Volunteer somewhere or anywhere: bell ring, food pantries, be a friend. Many programs and if your area is like mine there are plenty of resources out there for you to find that fitting thing for you to do. Where I well be a lot this month is my favorite place to be JAKs Place.
  • You can be a part of a Big Brother or Big Sister
  • You can cook for others or help someone in need with a meal.
  • Be a friend
  • Be open to listening if your the type to always talk and be the talker if your the listener typically.

One more note before I go if someone is more sensitive than you it’s not okay to be an asshole to them. Be kind and spread love my lovely people.

Author, Poetry

One Day

One day you won’t be here and it well hurt.

One day you won’t be the person separating love on a broken heart.

One day you won’t be the glue I need to stay connected

One day you won’t be my support in a humanly form.

One day a week or two visit won’t happen.

One day a family occasion well be one less family member.

One day the hope will be dimmed and hard to shine again

One day it’ll be one day at a time. One moment at a time, one minute, one second well hurt like hell without you.

Finding that new beacon of hope we’ll be so hard.

Finding me well be hard, one day we’ll be the last.

Author, Poetry, What's Up?

The one day you wouldn’t be here, has surcome. I have to figure out my survival without you. I have to live without your smile as it’s not an action anymore it is now a memory. Your voice will one day be hard to hear unless it’s the disgust with my uncle or maybe scolding grandpa honestly who can forget those?

I still feel your arms around me and hear your voice tell me it’s okay that I have feelings to go ahead and feel them. Just don’t forget the good.

So here is the good: your warm heart has touched me so much more than you may have realized. Your love and hugs will always be unforgettable. Your Wisdom is unforgettable your knowledge is valid and well lived on. You have the numbers behind you and each of them has their own experiences with you all more valid and more meaningful than the other.

Here comes the hard part, I’m sorry, sorry for your loss, you have my condolences, for your immediate family shadowing your extended.

I will choose to remember your love, your kind words, your example of love through hurts, and your support when felt alone in situations you were here to show your love. And remember the examples you showed me. 2010 and again in 2018.

Author, Mental Wellbeing

Meeting an Author and YouTube Session all in one week.

April 24th, 2023 First YouTube Session came from Matthew McConaughy’s YouTube Channel it was very good and well-informative about the components of his book and the process he used to write “Greenlight”.

I have a lot of good notes and listened to it again when the ability to listen to it all over again was available, Some of my takeaways were: Am I lying to myself? Am I ready for my journey ahead? What am I here for?

Yes, we all lie to ourselves for various reasons and about many things. Why? We all have our reasons and our things to hide or stretch things to massage other people’s feelings and or egos. Just a little insight as well as my knowledge.

I learned a lot by just asking myself some challenging but rewarding questions. Some of those things I can share in a future blog post.

The following Saturday, Meeting an Author I got to meet the author of “You are not Alone” none other than Psychiatrist Ken Duckworth. He talked to us that were at Crossroads at Big Creek.

It was very rewarding listening to Ken talk about his personal reasons for becoming a Psychiatrist and why NAMI means so much to him. And why he wanted to write a book not just from the perspective of a doctor and science but from living with Mental Illnesses diagnose experience Mental Health Issues and diagnoses.

I am personally one chapter into the book, I am having a hard time putting it down once I start oops partly why I get nothing done. Ha ha