Author, Mental Wellbeing, Wellbeing

May 27th 2024 TW (trigger warning)

content talks about sex abuse, drug and alcohol abuse as well.

Happy Memorial Day y’all!

Today’s person is not only a Mental Health person of interest but a person with many hats in the realm of advocacy. I well be explaining their unique experiences and role in the Mental Health perspective.

The person I have chosen today or rather Isa chose today was Demi Lovato. Demi is in her 30s and she is from New Mexico (well born there). Demi has had a big role in the lives of the early 2000s teens and young adults’ lives into today. She is known for being a Disney actress and a singer. She is known for dating people like Joe Jonas (2010) and Wilmer Valderrama (Aug 2010- 2016). She also dated for a while Miley Cyrus’ brother Trace Cyrus back in 2009. She is described herself as “fluid” in the past and is open to finding love wherever she finds it male or female. She has been quoted calling herself (just too queer 2020) In 2021 she came out as pansexual and sexually fluid.

Come of her best songs in my personal opinion are but not limited to: “Confident”, “Heart Attack” “Cool for the Summer”, and my personal replay “Sorry not Sorry”.

She is known for having the hobby of jiu-jitsu in 2016 she started training and she is as of February 3, 2023, the purple belt in the sport.

She has had her share of substance abuse; Lovato actually refers to the self as they/them. Lovato suffered from bulimia nervosa. (This has come up before in this month’s series refer back to, I believe.)

Lovato left tour with the Jonas brothers back in 2010 to enter a treatment facility for “physical and emotional issues” it is reported she entered the program after punching a backup dancer at the time. Her management and family convinced her that she needed help. Lovato took full responsibility for the incident on January 28, 2011, she completed in patient treatment. Lovato admitted she had bulimia, cut herself and “self-medicating” with drugs and alcohol “like a lot of teens do to numb their pain.”

(Personally did not start using the alcohol to chill and be numb til I was legal drinking age however I did not get rowdy or wasted. I still was aware of my surroundings and my thoughts and my feelings.)

Lovato added that “basically had a nervous breakdown” and had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder during her treatment. Lovato added that there was use of cocaine several times a day and smuggled it onto airplanes.

Lovato added that after a car accident there was use of opiates at the age of 13 years of age and already been drinking by this time and added that this was the event that led to the use of cocaine at the age of 17.

(I would like to insert that this is not an okay method of handling the overwhelming scensation of feelings, events or thoughts. Please seek out a therapist, talk to your doctors, reach out to a trusted loved one. Seek help from these numbers 988 and 741-741 you can txt or call both of these numbers for help by saying the type of help needed in txt or by being general. You never have to mention your real name that I know of in my experience of using these methods in between seeing my therapist. You well find that you well have someone listening and someone to talk you through your crisis and hopefully you feel at the end like I have the person that knows they can conquer life’s challenges.)

(I would like to add that Protocall with every situation is different and the ways for professionals and volunteers to react or respond is different by states individual laws and federal laws. Do not get discouraged or mad about the types of help you receive based on your reaction and emotions.)

Lovato has a contributing editor for Seventeen magazine, also has had own documentary about rehab and recovery. In 2017 celebrating 5th anniversary of sobriety also having a YouTube doc on Simply Complicated. In 2013 reported to have lived in a sober living facility because of feeling that was the best place to address the addiction and eating disorder. Having the addiction nearly cause Lovato their life and career. 2018 released “Sober” and reveal having had a relapse in the recovery process. Stemming from the drug and alcohol abuse Lavato has had multiple strokes, a heart attack, and brain damage latter of which caused lasting vision problems. Hospitalized first and then she was put into rehab. Around this time this lead her to be a top google search and 29th biggest story of 2018. And using Twitter (now X to discredit the overdose) (abuse of substances is no joke people). Management at this point had over managed her and she told Ellen D. that despite asking for help it only came in the form of watching what she was purchasing according to her bank statements specifically toward Starbuck. Her management only looked at it from the aspect of what would also happen to them not just Lavato in the situation, this brought forth her abandonment issues triggering her father “birth” leaving and drank that night. She has had trauma with Rape. This was during her time of abusing substance and she was not in the right mind consent to what was happening to her.

After the bipolar diagnosis Lovato had stated that as an 18-year-old they were acting the way they had out of a multitude of reasons. It was not from talking to doctors the bipolar however that Lovato simply had grown up. At this time of their life the diagnosis was changed from bipolar to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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