Mental Wellbeing

May 23rd

As I stated yesterday I asked my best friend to help me pic the last 10 people with Mental health issues whether exsisting issues or allies here you go is number 2 of besties choices Billie Eilish who has Tourette’s Syndrome (tics) like my lovely bestie. And its amazing she picked Billie because awareness to this disability is May 15th to the 15th of June.

I well be sharing more into June about this debilitating disorder.

Tourette (too-RET) syndrome is a disorder that involves repetitive movements or unwanted sounds (tics) that can’t be easily controlled. For instance, you might repeatedly blink your eyes, shrug your shoulders or blurt out unusual sounds or offensive words.

Tourette syndrome is a type of neurological disorder characterised by involuntary tics and repetitive vocalisations. The cause is unknown, but theories include genetic factors, bacterial infection and neurochemical abnormalities. Treatment can include medication, relaxation techniques and psychotherapy.

Billie was born in December of 2001 and Billie as stated has Tourette’s Syndrome, she was diagnosed at age 11. She has synesthesia and has experienced depression. She has also shared being sexually abused as a child.

Billie Eilish is opening up about what it’s like to live with Tourette’s syndrome.

While speaking with David Letterman on Netflix’s My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, the singer, who was diagnosed when she was 11 years old, talked about the neurological disorder after having a tic. Tourette’s syndrome is a condition of the nervous system that causes people to experience tics, or sudden movements or sounds that are done repeatedly.

“I’m very happy to talk about it,” Eilish told Letterman, per People. “I actually really love answering questions about it because it’s very, very interesting, and I am incredibly confused by it and I don’t get it.”

She added, “I never don’t tic at all, because the main tics that I do constantly, all day long, are like, I wiggle my ear back and forth and raise my eyebrow and click my jaw … and flex my arm here and flex this arm, flex these muscles. These are things you would never notice if you’re just having a conversation with me, but for me, they’re very exhausting.”

When she’s “focusing” on other tasks, like singing or riding horses, Eilish says she doesn’t experience tics as often.


Eilish has a history of political activism, publicly expressing her views on a multitude of political issues.[272] She has been vocal with regard to environmental causes, including climate change awareness.[273][274][275] Among other pursuits, Eilish signed an open letter to world leaders urging them to take action against climate-induced poverty,[276]embarked on an ad campaign encouraging young people to use technology for environmental advocacy, and hosted a six-day climate seminar in London titled Overheated to discuss topics such as sustainable fashion and youth activism.[277][278]Her 2019 single “All the Good Girls Go to Hell” and its subsequent video center around climate change and use heaven-and-hell imagery to criticize ignorance of rising sea levels,[279][280] and she permitted the nonprofit CoralWatch to use “Ocean Eyes” as part of an online awareness campaign about Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.[281] Eilish was raised as a vegetarian, and became vegan in 2014. She is a regular advocate on social media for animal rights and veganism, and has criticized the dairy,[282] wool,[283] and mink fur industries.[284] In 2023, Eilish stated she refuses to travel by private jet.[285]

Eilish has spoken in multiple occasions about women’s rights.[286][287] A supporter of body positivity, she wrote and produced the 2020 short film Not My Responsibility as a response to body shaming toward her and the double standards placed upon women’s appearances.[288][289][290] “Your Power“, one of her 2021 singles, criticizes the sexual exploitation of young women, primarily by men who hold power over them.[291][292] Eilish associates herself with the US abortion rights movement; she expressed rage when Texas implemented its anti-abortion laws in 2021.[293][294] During the 2022 Glastonburyfestival, she performed “Your Power” to condemn the overturning of Roe v. Wade. She spoke of the decision: “Today is a really, really dark day for women in the U.S. I’m just going to say that as I cannot bear to think about it any longer in this moment.”[295] She included a reference to Roe v. Wade‘s overturning in her 2022 track “TV”, much of which she wrote after a draft of the court decision was leaked online in May.[296][297]

In March 2020, Eilish encouraged fans online to register to vote for the 2020 US presidential election.[298] In August 2020, she performed at the 2020 Democratic National Convention and announced her endorsement of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.[299]

In 2023, Eilish worked with others to start and fund REVERB’s Music Decarbonization Project, and as part of a decarbonization project used solar powered stage lights.[300][301]

At the 2024 Academy Awards Eilish wore an Artists4Ceasefire pin which calls for a ceasefire in the 2023 Israel-Hamas war.[302]

Allt of this information I took from wika or articles.

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